Идеи к урокам Радченко Инны Леонидовны
Task 1. Today we’re are going to travel. How can we travel?
I can travel by bus.
I can travel by train.
I can travel by car.
I can travel by plane.
Travelling is great!
I like travelling!
Task 2. Look at the map. Can you guess the country?
Task 2. Look at the map. Can you guess the country?
Task 3. In these countries people speak different languages.
Listen and try to guess the country and the meaning of the words. (The teacher reads)
Task 4. I’m a little bit hungry.What do people in Ukraine like to eat? Pupils write on the pan
In Germany people eat Eintopf. It’s a kind of soup.
Work in groups of three. Scan the QR codes to find out the ingredients of Eintopf. Write them on your pans. Which group will be the first to write all 6 ingredients?
(peas, onion, sauages, cabbage, carrots, potatoes)

I’m sure you would like the song (taken from Super Mind 2)
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