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Личные письма (informal letters) обычно пишут людям, которых хорошо знают (друзьям, родственникам и т.д.), о актуальных новостях, личных проблемах и тому подобное. При написании таких писем используют неофициальный стиль, для которого характерно разговорная лексика; личный тон; использование имени, а не фамилии; использование разговорных, а не литературных выражений; использование устойчивых выражений и словосочетаний (eg. drop me a line); использование фразовых глаголов и сокращений (don’t, can’t, I’m etc) .
Письмо личного характера (неофициальное письмо) состоит из следующих частей:
Неофициальное приветствие (informal greeting).
Советую выбрать одно имя и одну фразу для всех писем, например, Dear Bob. Если письмо другим лицам – Dear Mum; Dear Dad; Dear Mum and Dad; Dear Aunt Sue; Dear Uncle Mike и никак иначе. Dear brother; Dear sister; Dear friend; Dear cousine.
Введение (introduction или opening remarks)
В введении (introduction или opening remarks) нужно писать об общих вещах (спрашивать о здоровье друга, последние новости; выражать благодарность за полученное письмо, извиняться за задержку ответа, комментировать новости, о которых узнали из полученного письма и т.д. ) и вспоминать причину, ради которой пишется письмо, то есть отвечать на вопрос «Почему вы пишете письмо?»
Мой совет – заучить несколько фраз:
а) если вы сами являетесь инициатором письма – How are you getting on? Hope you are fine. Sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been busy with my exams. I have some (great) news. (последняя фраза уже является причиной написания письма! – у вас есть новости! И это универсальная фраза
б) если вы пишите другу в ответ на его письмо, в котором он обычно просит рассказать ему о чем-то, дать совет или выразить ваше мнение по поводу чего-либо. Это уже сложнее, но и здесь можно заучить несколько фраз.
Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. Sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been busy with my exams. И далее причина, по которой вы пишите: The reason I’m writing is your letter in which you…
Основная часть (main body)
В Основной части (main body) нужно раскрыть основную тему (темы) детально. Эта часть состоит обычно из 3 абзацев, каждый из которых посвящен отдельной подтеме (количество абзацев в основной части письма зависит от условия задачи):
Вот задание из ЗНО
You and your family have recently moved into a new house. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which
- Tell him/her about your moving in and briefly describe your house (exterior and interior)
- Invite him/her to your house-warming party and write about the date, guests and entertainment
- explain how to get to your place (location and means of transport)
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Don`t use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.
Здесь 3 подтемы:
1) Tell him/her about your moving in and briefly describe your house (exterior and interior);
2) Invite him/her to your house-warming party and write about the date, guests and entertainment;
3) explain how to get to your place (location and means of transport)
А значит main body состоит из 3-х абзацев. Не забывайте осветить ВСЕ задания каждого абзаца! Например, во втором абзаце надо не только пригласить друга на вечеринку, но и указать дату (date), написать, кто приглашен (guests) и какие предусмотрены развлечения (entertainment). Ничего нельзя упустить…
Кроме того, каждая подтема должна начинаться с linking word, и в предложениях в подтемах так же должны быть linking words,
Заключительная часть (conclusion или closing remarks)
В заключительной части (conclusion или closing remarks) нужно подвести итог написанному в письме, она может содержать причины, побуждающие закончить написание письма, поздравления родственников / родственникам или знакомых / знакомым, пожелания всего наилучшего, просьба к адресату не медлить с ответом тому подобное.
Опять-таки заучиваем концовку:
That’s all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards to your sister.
Неофициальное прощание и выдуманное (не ваше!) имя адресата (того, кто пишет письмо).
Take care,
Betty (or John)
Примеры писем
Далее идут примеры писем, за которые ученики получили 14 баллов из 14 (печатаю оригиналы, без исправления ошибок)
ЗНО 2021
You and your family have recently moved into a new house. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which
- Tell him/her about your moving in and briefly describe your house (exterior and interior)
- Invite him/her to your house-warming party and write about the date, guests and entertainment
- explain how to get to your place (location and means of transport)
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Don`t use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.
Letter 1 (печатаю оригинал, без исправления ошибок)
Dear Jane,
Sorry for not writing for so long. Hope you are fine.
Firstly, I’m writing to tell you that I’ve moved into a new house. It’s so big and bright. Outside we have a swimming- pool where I spend the whole time. Also, there’s a big yard with fruit trees. There are five rooms in the house. The coolest one is my room, of course. If you remember, I have always dreamt about a really big bed and now I have it!
Secondly, I want to invite you to my house-warming party. It’ll be this Friday at 8 pm. There’ll be lots of my classmates, by the way, you can take a friend with you. Of course, we’ll have fun in the pool and I’ve invited a DJ so it would be great. But there won’t be any alcohol.
My house is situated in LA on Sweet street 1. As I know you have your own car but you can also take a taxi because there’re no buses here. If you have any questions how to get, you can call me.
Best wishes to your sister. Hope to see you at the party.
Letter 2 (печатаю оригинал, без исправления ошибок)
Dear Sansa,
How are you getting on? Hope you’re fine. I have some great news and I’d like to share my excitement with you!
Guess what? We’ve just moved into a new house! It’s a two-storey house with four bedrooms and three rooms for guests. As my Mum is an ecologist, all the furniture is made of eco-friendly material and the design is quite minimalistic. What is more, we have a beautiful garden outside, filled with flowers and fruit trees. We also have a pool which is a perfect place for organizing pool parties!
By the way, we are having a house-warming party on the first of July and you are Invited! I think there’ll be more than thirty guests. We are having a barbeque with lots of cool drinks. Furthermore, we have invited a jazz-band to entertain the guests and create a warm atmosphere.
So, how to get to my new house? It’s easy. It’s located 20-minute walk from the city centre on Green street. You can either go by bus #1 or take a taxi which isn’t very expensive. Hope you’ll except my invitation.
That’s all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards to your sister.
Best wishes,
Letter 3 (печатаю оригинал, без исправления ошибок)
Dear Liz,
Sorry for haven’t written for ages. Hope you’re fine. I have decided to share some great news with you.
To start with, my family have recently bought a new house and it was such a pleasure for me to help my parents with moving into it. To put it briefly, we have a big, white, two-storey house with numerous rooms inside. Moreover, we have special interior design and our own library where you can find any book you desire. There is a large yard, a swimming pool and a garage outside, so you don’t have to worry about your means of transport.
In addition to that, I want to invite you to the house-warming party which will be in our garden on the third of July. There’ll be our classmates, neighbours, and parents’ friends from other countries, so you’ll have an opportunity to make new friends and broaden your horizons. As it is too hot in July, we will have the party near the pool with lots of cocktails and food served. Also, you’ll enjoy great music and a fire performance.
And finally, my house is located near the Gulf river, Led Street 15, in the beautiful green zone and you can reach it by car, bicycle or bus number forty.
I can’t wait to meet you here. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,
ЗНО 2018
You’ve received a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she accepts your invitation to come and stay with you in Ukraine for a week. Write a letter to your pen-friend and say
- when the best time to come is and why;
- what tourist atractions there are in your area;
- what activities he/she could enjoy during the visit.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.
Letter 1 (печатаю оригинал, без исправления ошибок)
Hello Chuck,
How are you getting on? Hope nothing has changed and you are OK, as well as me. I’m so happy that you have accepted my invitation to spend our holidays together in my country.
Firstly, we should choose when you are going to come. I’m sure that the best time for your visit is in summer, e.g. in June. The weather is fine at this time in our country. Most of the days are hot and sunny. Moreover, I have my prom in June and you are invited to the official ceremony.
To tell the truth, my city is very popular among tourists because there is a wide range of attractions for them. To start with, my city’s well – known for its old history. That’s why there are dozens of antique architecture and churches worth visiting. What is more, we have very nice green parks where we can take photos together.
I was thinking over the programme of spending time during your visit and decided that you must like the idea of going to the picturesque lakes to have a picnic for two days. Secondly, you could enjoy the visit to our historical museum because I know that history is your cup of tea. My city is rich in different cafés and restaurants, so I would like to show you my favourite ones. If you have some ideas of spending time together, or want to see something special in my city, always welcome.
My best regards to your parents. Hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,
Letter 2 (печатаю оригинал, без исправления ошибок)
Dear Bob,
How are you getting on? Recently I have received your letter in which you accept my invitation, so I want to tell you some information about my home area.
To start with, I recommend you to come in the summer because my city is a popular resort. That’s why in this time of the year there are a lot of entertaining facilities and tourist attractions
Moreover, I live in a historical city with lots of monuments museums and other memorable places worth visiting. Besides, there is the biggest football stadium in Europe, which every football fan like you, must visit and feel the atmosphere of this wonderful building. And, of course, you wouldn’t miss the opportunity to walk through the central square where our government organizes the exhibition of the photos of the city’s history and provides bus tours for sightseeing.
Furthermore, there are different pitches and courts almost in every district, so I’m sure that such active people as we will find what to do together. In addition to this, you will try something new – kitesurfing. This is just an exciting kind of sport available on the coast of the sea in my area.
That’s all for now. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards to your sister.
Best wishes,
ЗНО 2016 (дополнительная сессия)
You have taken part in an academic exchange programme and won a grant to study abroad. Write a letter to your English pen-friend in which you
- inform him/her about the news and tell him/her about your expectations
- mention at least one advantage and one disadvantage of studying abroad
- describe how you prepare yourself for studying in a foreign country
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any personal information.
Start your letter in an appropriate way.
Letter 1 (печатаю оригинал, без исправления ошибок)
Hello John,
How are you? I’m really glad that you’re concerned about my participation in “Worldwide”, the exchange programme for foreign students I’ve been telling you about. I am writing to share my feelings and expectations about it with you.
First of all you can congratulate me on being chosen to study in England, as I have won the grant! Since I’ve been preparing for it quite for a long time, I know how English educational institutions function, so I can imagine what it is going to be like to study at university there. Nevertheless, I’ve never been to a foreign country and I’m a bit nervous. Hopefully, students and professors will give me a warm welcome and help me to adjust to a new learning environment.
Honestly, I’m trying to think positively and convince myself that the advantages of the exchange programme will be enormous. Undoubtedly, going to a foreign university for a whole year will provide me with the valuable experience of improving my English and knowledge of the British culture. In addition, the completion of the foreign course of university studies will be a great detail to add to my CV when applying to a job. However, I’m genuinely scared to miss the first year of studying in my Ukrainian university and fall behind later, since those two syllabuses will probably be totally different. I guess that the worst drawback is that I won’t see my family very often, which is pretty discouraging for someone so close with their parents like me.
In spite of all that I’ve mentioned, I’m happy that my life will soon change drastically. I’m currently gathering all the necessary papers, saving up pocket money and shopping for brand-new clothes. In several days, I’m having a farewell party with my school friends where I’ll enjoy myself for the last time before leaving.
Keep your fingers crossed for me. Send my best regards to your family. I’m looking forward to your letter.
Best wishes,
Еще примеры:
1. Recently you have been to a fantastic party. Write a letter to your English friend:
- describing the event and its host,
- telling him about the things you liked the most at the party,
- encouraging your friend to come to your birthday party next month explaining what kind of party you want to host.
Write a letter of at least … words. Don`t use your real name or any other personal information. Start your email in an appropriate way.
Dear Tom,
How are you getting on? Thank you for your last letter. I have some interesting facts to write you.
First of all, yesterday we had an on-line birthday party of our community! We discussed a little bit our plans for the near future in Discord and then we played on our Minecraft server together. It was really amazing!
You know, the moment I liked the most was when we made a firework machine in the game and turned it on. I think it was the most spectacular in-game firework show ever! It also was really fun when somebody found a skeleton spawner and we tried to get into the room where it was located. Since we were at least six the goal was just not to fit someone else instead of the skeleton.
By the way, I have nearly forgotten to invite you to my birthday party! You know I am seventeen next month and I’m going to organize something really interesting. I think we will have a barbeque, sing sons around the fire and just enjoy spending time in the open air. I hope you can come!
That’s all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards to your sister.
Best wishes,
You have decided to lead a healthier lifestyle. Write an e-mail to your English friend and:
- explain why you have decided to change your habits,
- describe the changes you are implementing and underline the most difficult issues,
- describe how you felt after the first few days of carrying the new plan into effect.
Write an email of at least … words. Don`t use your real name or any other personal information. Start your email in an appropriate way.
Это email, поэтому просто пропускаем строчку между абзацами, а также после приветствия, после последнего абзаца и после слов прощания
Dear Brandon,
How are you? Sorry I haven`t written for so long. I have a lot of interesting things to tell you. I want to describe the changes in my life concerning my health.
To start with, I suffer from migraine headaches and have some problems with my stomach. I think you know that health is the best wealth. So, last month I went to the gym with my friend. Unfortunately, I got extremely tired very quickly and couldn`t do a lot of exercises. That day I decided to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Guess what? I take plenty of exercise at home, go jogging for half an hour before breakfast every morning and go to the gym twice a week! Also, I`m trying to cut down on junk food and it`s the most difficult challenge for me because I adore potato chips, pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers. In addition to this, I sleep for about eight hours and for a short time during the day.
To tell the truth, after the first few days of carrying my plan into life I felt absolutely exhausted and didn’t want to do anything. I was sure that such a lifestyle isn`t my cup of tea. It was terrible. But three months have already passed and I feel much better. I`ll definitely keep leading a healthy lifestyle.
And how do you feel about this issue? I`m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards to your sister.
Best wishes,
Пробное ЗНО 2019 год
You`ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she writes that he/she would like to spend hi/her holidays reading interesting books and asks your opinion on that. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you tell him/her:
- what kind of book you read lastand who recommended you to read it
- what literary genreyou prefer and why
- give some pieces of advice on how to spend holidays not to get bored
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.
Dear John,
How are you getting on? Hope you are fine. Thanks for your letter. You know I’m also addicted to books so I could discuss the theme all the time.
Firstly, the last book I read was about a girl who dreamt about a successful life full of adventures. She followed famous people in Instagram and wanted to know how it was to be a star. She felt asleep with such thoughts and when she woke up, she was in a new body. Consequently, the girl started leading another life and she didn’t know which kind of problems she was going to be faced with. My friend found out the book on the Internet and recommended me to read it.
Secondly, I prefer reading autobiographical books, because there I can find a lot of suggestions about the life, how to deal with difficult situations and how actually to solve the problems. Moreover, such a literary genre usually motivates me and doesn’t allow me to give up in some situations, because there are a lot of words of wisdom which help me to find myself.
By the way, you could not only read books on holidays. You could spend your free time riding a bicycle or rollerblading. You should spare more time outside playing with your friends because one day you won’t probably have an opportunity to do that because of school or other problems. Besides, it would be a good idea to visit your grandparents.
Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards to your sister.
2016 год
Правила написания и примеры полуофициальных писем
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