Teacher: Basanko Maryna Anatoliivna

Chernihiv Magnet School #1

Form 3-V

Topic: Animals

(Unit 8, Welcome 2, Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans)


Початок уроку

Етап І.

Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку

Прийом 1.

Бесіда,привітання з класом.

Teacher: Good morning, children!
Pupils: Good morning, teacher!
T: I’m glad to see you!
P: I’m glad to see you too!
T: Today we have an unusual lesson, turn to our guests and say “Hello”
T: Take your seats.
T:  How are you today?
P: I’m wonderful, thank you.
P: I’m fantastic, thank you.
T:  Turn to your partner and talk about the mood. (Presentation, Slide 2)

Етап II.  Мовленнєва зарядка

 Прийом 1.


T: What season is it now?
P: It’s spring.
T: What month is it?
P: It’s March.
T: Look at the window. What’s the weather like today?
And what’s the temperature?
T: What day is it today?
P: It’s Thursday.

Прийом 2.

Гра  “Catch the sound»

T: Look at the picture. (Presentation, Slide 3) What can you see?
P: It’s a girl.
T: Yes, you are right. Her name is Elizabeth. Now look at the blackboard and repeat after me: Thursday, Elizabeth.
What sound do you hear?  Sound [θ]. Let’s play the game “Catch the sound”
(Учитель складывает ладошки как будто бы хочет на них подышать,чтобы согреть и говорит в ладошки звук, потом имитирует будто кидает  его детям, а они точно так же «ловят» звук в ладошки и передают остальным по кругу.)
T: Look. What has she got?
P: She has got a birthday cake.
Now listen and repeat the tongue twister. Read all together. (Presentation, Slide 4)

Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

Основна частина уроку

Етап III.  

Прийом 1.

Повторення лексичних одиниць

T: Elizabeth likes to go to the farm in her free time. What animals can she see here? (Presentation, Slide 5)What farm animals do you know?
P: A goat,  A sheep, A horse etc
T: Well done! Elizabeth likes to go to the zoo too. What animals live there? (Presentation, Slide 6,7 )
P: A whale, A cheetah, A python  etc
T: Ok, Thank you for your answers. Let’s play the game now. It’s called “The last one standing”  (The last one standing — все становятся в круг, хлопают два раза по коленям, потом в ладошки и одновременно один ученик говорит слово,  в данном случае животное, потом опять два хлопка по коленям и другой говорит, и так по кругу, пока не останется the last one standing, то есть тот, кто назовет больше слов, кто не называет — садится.)
Come up to the blackboard and form a circle. Clap your hands and name the animal.

Прийом 2.

Повторення прикметників

Гра “A magic box”
( По кругу под музыку передают коробку ( a magic box), музыка стоп., на ком остановилась коробка, достает карточку, называет слово — игра на повторение лексики)
T: Look at these animals. They are so different. Let’s compare them. What do we need to compare the animals?
P: We need adjectives.
T: Let’s revise them now and play the game. Look, Elizabeth has got a magic box – what’s in it? Find the words with opposite meaning.

Етап IV.  Говоріння

Прийом 1.

Порівняння тварин

T: Look at the blackboard and read this sentence please. (Presentation, Slide 8,9)Now look and compare the animals.
Example: The cow is fatter than the goat.
The python is the longest in the park.

Етап V.

Хвилинка релаксації

Декламування вірша з рухами

T: Now stand up please and let’s have some rest. Repeat and do after me. (Presentation, Slide 10)
I am clever – cleverer – the cleverest,
I am strong – stronger – the strongest,
I am tall – taller – the tallest,
I am happy – happier – the happiest,
I can jump high – higher – the highest,
I can run fast – faster – the fastest.

Прийом 2.

Діалогічне мовлення

T: Let’s talk about wild animals and see where they live. Take your copies, listen and repeat then talk with your friend. Pupil’s book p. 53 ex. 7  (Presentation, Slide 11) Track 

Етап VI


 Етап VI.


T: Elizabeth has got a friend. It’s the largest animal in the world. Listen to the text and answer my question: What is the largest animal in the world? What friend has Elizabeth got?

P:  It’s a blue whale.
T: Yes, you are right. Now listen again, read the text and fill in the missing words.

Етап VI I


Прийом 1.

Читання тексту

T: Now read the text about a blue whale. Pupil’s book p. 54 ex. 1
Прийом 2.

Читання тексту

та пошук інформаці

T: Now look at the table on the blackboard.
Fill in the missing words. (Presentation, Slide 12)
Answer my questions: (Presentation, Slide 13)
Where does a blue whale live?
What colour is it? What does it eat?
What does it look like? What can it do?
T: Look at your copies and read. Are these statements True or False? (Presentation, Slide 15)Now answer my questions:
Do blue whales need our help? How can we help them?
What should we do? (Presentation, Slide 16)

Заключна частина уроку.

Етап IX.

Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

  1. There are many blue whales in the world. ________
  2. Blue whales need our help. ________
  3. We should protect blue whales. ________
  4. We should throw paper into the water. ________
  5. We shouldn’t kill the blue whales. ________

Етап X. 

Підсумки уроку. Оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів

Прийом 1.


T: Today at the lesson we talked about different animals and compared them.  We revised the adjectives and the degrees of comparison.
What have we learned in the classroom today?
T: Thank you for your work at the lesson.
Good bye children. See you soon.


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