Несколько раз на ЗНО давалось задание написать полуофициальное письмо (semi-formal letter). Задания будут опубликованы ниже. Полуофициальные письма обычно пишут редакторам газет, журналов, радиопрограмм, телевизионных программ с целью поделиться своими мыслями по поводу интересующей вас проблемы и повлиять на общественное мнение. Кроме того, полуофициальные письма пишутся людям, которых вы не знаете очень хорошо или когда вы хотите быть более вежливыми и уважительными по отношению к ним (родителям друга, школьному учителю и т.д.)

При написании таких писем язык должен быть более литературным, а не разговорным, постарайтесь НЕ писать сокращения (Don`t Do not), может только пару раз, не используйте фразовые глаголы и идиомы.Тон письма должен быть вежливым и уважительным.

Полуофициальное письмо пишется следующим образом.

  1. Приветствие (Greeting).

Есть два вида приветствий:

  • если в задании нет имени и фамилии того человека, которому вы пишите, то начинайте таким образом: Dear Sir or Madam. Если известно, что это мужчина (но имя и фамилия в задании не указаны), то пишем Dear Sir, если известно, что это женщина, но опять-таки не указаны ее имя и фамилия в задании, то пишем Dear Madam;
  • если в задании сказано кому вы пишите письмо, то переписываем из задания. Например, Dear Mr Brown или Dear Mrs Green, или Dear Ms White, или Dear Mr and Mrs Baker. Что касается точки после сокращений Mr, Mrs, Ms, то в английском варианте она не ставится, а в американском английском ставится. Поэтому надо внимательно читать задание и смотреть, что ТАМ написано.
  1. Введение (introduction или opening remarks)

Здесь вы четко излагаете причину(ы) написания письма (reasons for writing). НЕ нужно спрашивать о здоровье, писать о последних новостях и т.д. СРАЗУ пишите причину, по которой вы пишите письмо  и откуда узнали информацию. Начать можно так: I am writing to express my opinion about an article that I read in your newspaper (magazine) about… Или I have just listened to your programme about… and I am writing to express my opinion on this serious issue.

  1. Основная часть (main body)

В основной части (main body) нужно раскрыть основную тему (темы) детально. Эта часть состоит обычно из 3 абзацев, каждый из которых посвящен отдельной подтеме (количество абзацев в основной части письма зависит от условия задачи):

Listening to the radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme. In your letter:

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends

Здесь 3 подтемы:

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why;
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong;
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends.

А значит main body состоит из 3х абзацев. Не забудьте осветить ВСЕ задания КАЖДОГО абзаца.

Например, в первом абзаце надо не только описать какого человека вы видите своим другом, но и ПОЧЕМУ.

Кроме того, каждая подтема должна начинаться с linking word, и в предложениях в подтемах так же должны быть linking words,

4. Заключительная часть (conclusion или closing remarks)

В заключительной части (conclusion или closing remarks) нужно подвести итог написанному в письме и еще раз высказать свое мнение. Начать, используя следующие linking words: In conclusion, to sum up, taking everything into account. (Запомните что-нибудь одно). Нет никаких пожеланий и приветов адресату!

5.  Прощание и подпись

Здесь два варианта:

  • Вы не знаете имени человека, которому пишите (т.е. начинаете словами Dear Sir or Madam, или Dear Sir, или Dear Madam,). В таком случае заканчивайте словами Yours faithfully, а на следующей строчке придуманные свои имя и фамилию, например Ann Brown (даже, если вы мальчик!) или Bob Brown (даже если вы девочка!) Заучите это наизусть!
  • Вы знаете имя человека, которому пишите (т. е. dear Mr (Ms, Mrs) Brown). В таком случае заканчивайте словами Yours sincerely, а на следующей строчке придуманные свои имя и фамилию, например Ann Brown или Bob Brown. И это заучите наизусть. Не перепутайте.


Listening to the radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme. In your letter:

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends

Write a letter of at least … words. Don`t use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have just listened to your programme about friends and friendship and I am writing to express my opinion on this serious issue.

To begin with, I am sure that friendship in teen time is very important for every person. We can have a lot of treasures, but they don’t cost anything if we can’t give the piece of them to close people, to our friends. So, as for me, I prefer a friend who can help me in a hard time, who has a strong character and who can make me happier. My friend must also be intelligent because it is difficult for me to communicate with people who have nothing to say. In my opinion, friendship is built on trust and common memories which create a spiritual connection between two or more souls.

Another point worth mentioning is that some friendships last a lifetime while others may burn out after just a few years or even months. To my mind, there are some things that can kill a friendship. Firstly, when someone you’ve trusted with one of your big secrets gives up that information to someone else. That trust is likely never coming back. Secondly, selfishness can destroy friendship. If one of friends starts overestimating himself and forgets about the friend`s needs. Consequently, it will lead to quarrel. And, of course, misunderstanding and unwillingness to understand each other. But I suppose that if friendship is real, nothing can cause it to go wrong.

I think that the number of friends depends on one’s personality.  Personally, I prefer to have a cose friends. My belief is that in case oouple of clf having a lot of friends, you have to spread yourself on everyone and as a result, it is possible to miss your real soulmate. Close friends have more familiar atmosphere. They can share many beautiful moments and thoughts. I am sure that my close friends will always help me and never betray or turn me down.

To sum up, lucky are those people who have friends. And I agree with those who considered teen friendship to be an important part of the life.

Yours faithfully,

Bob Brown.

ЗНО 2018(дополнительная сессия)

You have just returned from Britain where you attended lessons at Summerhill Language School. The school arranged for you to stay with a local couple you hadn`t met before your visit. Write a letter to your host family. First thank them for having hosted you and describe:

  • what family traditions you liked and why;
  • what local food you liked and why;
  • what events or activities impressed you most

Write a letter of at least … words. Don`t use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.


Letter 1 (основная часть взята из интернета)

Dear Mr and Mrs Green,

I hardly know how to thank you for your great kindness and hospitality which you showed me during my visit at your house.

To begin with, I felt very comfortable staying with you. I enjoyed so much your tradition of discussing everything that happened to each family member during the day at dinner. I think it can unite any family. Besides I will never forget our walks in the park every Sunday which gave us a chance to spend more time together.

As for the local food, I was especially impressed by the famous English apple pie with custard. Moreover, I realized my dream to taste fish and chips and I was not disappointed.

Finally, one of the most unforgettable trips was to the amusement park in Brighton. Amazing roller coasters, horror chambers, delicious picnic – I liked it all so much.

At the end of the letter I want to thank you once again for all you have done and your generous welcome. Please convey my regards to the Whites. I  look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Brown

Letter 2

Dear Mr and Mrs Black,

I am writing to thank you for my best time I have spent with you.

Firstly, your family is close-knit and the traditions in your family are interesting and useful. I liked having dinner together talking about the events of the day and discussing the problems, watching films every evening sharing the opinions on heroes, deeds and the plot, and spending the time strolling in the park. We were a big and friendly family.

Secondly, the dishes Mrs Black cooked were tasty. But the most delicious ones were a roast turkey and а traditional pudding prepared for my birthday. I wanted to taste them. And my dream came true. I will never forget the dinner. Moreover, I finally tasted such a famous English dish as fish and chips. Besides, I appreciate your using only fresh organic fruit and vegetables for cooking.

Thirdly, I greatly enjoyed activities such as shopping, museums and dinner at the local restaurants. And I really admired the swimming competition for the best swimmer which was organized by the Smiths, your friends. It was unforgettable.

At the end of the letter I want to thank you once again for all you have done and your generous welcome. Please give my regards to the Smiths. I  look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Brown

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